1846 — 1897
Antonio Joachim de Medeiros
One of the most dynamic Roman Catholic bishops of Macau, known as the apostle of the Timor Mission (1884-97).
Born in Vilar de Nantes, Portugal. Ordained a priest in 1871, de Medeiros arrived in Macau in 1872 and taught in the seminary there. In 1875, he was appointed Visitor of the Timor Mission. He became vicar general of the mission in 1877 and invited the Canossian Sisters. He was chosen auxiliary bishop of Goa in 1881. In 1884, he was appointed bishop of Macau, where he returned in 1885.
As bishop, de Medeiras gave priority to the training of local sisters and to the education of youth. The 1886 Concordat between Portugal and the holy see is a faithful copy of proposals he submitted. He launched the weekly O Voz do Crente (The Voice of the Believer), published from 1886 to 1895. He succeeded in restoring control of St. Joseph’s College to the Jesuits in 1890, thus ending the secularization of this institution.
In 1895, de Medeiros took part in the Sixth Provincial Council held in Goa. He visited the missions of Singapore, Malacca, and Timor several times, showing great concern and care especially for the latter, his first place of work, where he died at age 50.
This article is reproduced, with permission, from A Dictionary of Asian Christianity, copyright 2001 by Scott W. Sunquist, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan. All rights reserved.
- Texeira, M., Macau e sua Diocese, Vol. II (1940).
About the Author
Spiritual Director, P.I.M.E. International Theological Seminary, Cavite, Philippines