1897  — 1987

Calvin Lee

Chinese church planter and orphanage founder.

Born in a village outside Guangzhou, China, he accepted Christ as a teenager in high school. From there he studied at Lingnan University in Guangzhou, and later graduated from Wheaton College. He also attended Princeton Seminary, majoring in biblical languages. He then served the Chinese church, teaching at the Bible Institute of Changsha, the Alliance Bible Institute in Wuzhou, and the Canton Bible Institute in Guangzhou. As pastor of the Wanshan Church in Guangzhou, he established both an elementary school and a high school, from which a significant number eventually entered the ministry. During the Japanese occupation in World War II, seeing the suffering of the homeless youth, Lee established the Morning Star Orphanage, meeting the needs of over five hundred.

With the fall of China to the Communists in 1949, Lee resided in Hong Kong as writer and editor of the Life Bimonthly magazine, as well as planting four churches in Kowloon and Hong Kong. Lee’s mission focus was demonstrated in teaching, writing, and establishing schools and churches. His holistic commitment and breadth was amply demonstrated by his arduous efforts in ministering to the homeless, the discouraged, and the sick. His vision, concern, and relating of theology with praxis are the lasting highlights of his life and ministry.


This article is reproduced, with permission, from Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, copyright © 2000 by A. Scott Moreau, Baker Books, a division of Baker Book House Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. All rights reserved

About the Author

Hoover Wong

Senior Associate Professor of Chinese Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, California, USA