Wong Mei
First ordained Chinese Baptist pastor in China.
Wong Mei (Rev. M. Wong) grandfather of Zhao Enci (Y.T. Chiu, Chiu Yan Tsz), became a Christian in California in about 1860. He is identified by Zhao as the “first ordained Chinese Baptist pastor in China”
- Luke S. Fetters, "Sovereign Foundations and Educational Antecedents to the Hong Kong Conference, Church of the United Brethren in Christ," paper for a conference entitledMissionaries and Translation: Sino-Western Cultural Exchange in Early Modern China, 1850-1950 held at Peking University in May 2004. [fuller treatment in his dissertation and S&L v. 3 chapter]
- Luke S. Fetters, "The Church of the United Brethren in Christ Support of the Community Education Work of Moy Ling among the Chinese in Portland, Oregon, 1882-1931: Implications for a Missiological Understanding of Partnership," unpublished dissertation completed in 2005 at Ball State University Graduate School.