Xu studied at the Peking (Beijing) School of Custom form 1910 to 1915 and became a Christian during this time. After graduation he served in the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) from 1915 to 1920. Later he went to the United States for further study at Union Theological Seminary (New York) and Columbia University. He majored in theology and philosophy.
Xu returned to the YMCA in 1924 and became executive secretary of the Christian School Association at the same time. He taught at Yenching University School of Philosophy as a vice professor from 1926 to 1927 and from 1927 on was also in charge of the school of philosophy.
Xu took up the post of secretary of Wei-ai-she in 1929. In 1930 he became a research staff member of the World YMCA and a regional staff member of the World Student Christian Federation. In 1937 he went to Shanghai and became a publication staff member of the YMCA. During the later part of the anti-Japanese war, he went inland and continued with literature work. He was director of Zai-she, a Christian Literature Worker’s volunteer organization.
Xu died in a car accident while on his way to Chungking. Xu’s publications include Religious Experience Talk and others.
This article is reproduced, with permission, from A Dictionary of Asian Christianity, copyright © 2001 by Scott W. Sunquist, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan. All rights reserved.
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