安德森出生在一個基督徒家庭,其家庭成員中包括安立甘宗、長老宗、弟兄會和貴格會的信徒。早在慕迪(Dwight Lyman Moody)來訪前十多年,安德森的信仰就已逐步堅定了。1896年,他聽到穆德(John R. Mott)的證道,一年後明確了自己的蒙召,立志從事海外宣教和教導工作。他先後到倫敦、威斯敏斯特學院(Westminster College)和劍橋(Cambridge)等地接受訓練,並於1902年被按立爲牧師。1904年,安德森在泉州和廈門開始辦學,且終生不綴。他把自己所創辦的學校取名爲威斯敏斯特。
This article is reproduced, with permission, from A Dictionary of Asian Christianity, copyright 2001 by Scott W. Sunquist, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan. All rights reserved.
- Anderson, Alan S. Moore, Random Reminiscences (ca. 1956).
- Band, Edward, Working His Purpose Out: The History of the English Presbyterian Mission, 1847-1947 (1948).
- Henderson, John, "The Service in Malaya and Singapore of the Reverend Alan S. Moore Anderson," The Presbyterian Church in Singapore and Malaysia. 90th Anniversary of the Church and 70th Anniversary of the Synod, Commemoration Volume (1970).
Head, Department of Mission Studies, Bible College of New Zealand, Henderson, Auckland, New Zealand